Thursday, December 10, 2009

Cannot enable "CLR enabled", needed after Forefront update (WSUS)

After a Forefront update on my server (WSUS + Forefront), it complained about an SQL option to be set (CLR) but there is no way I could set it up.

Start Forefront client security console :
An update for Microsoft forefront client security has occurred which requires the configuration wizard to be run again

Verifying settings and requirements -> failed

Log results :
[9/24/2009 9:34:49 AM] Verification(Verifying the Common Language Runtime (CLR) is enabled in SQL Server)
Common Language Runtime (CLR) is not enabled. Configuration cannot complete. For information on CLR, see
Number of verifications completed: [9/24/2009 9:34:49 AM]

I tried through the SQL Surface Area Configuration to set CLR to 1, but :

Failed to connect to server localhost\MICROSOFT##SSEE. (Microsoft.SqlServer.ConnectionInfo)

Here is how to fix it; open a command prompt and execute the following command lines :

osql -S \\.\pipe\sql\query -E -I
exec sp_configure 'show advanced options', 1
exec sp_configure

It shows :
clr enabled 0 1 0

Try to set clr enabled to 1...

exec sp_configure 'clr enabled','1'

Then :

exec sp_configure

It shows now :
clr enabled 0 1 1

Start again your Microsoft Forefront Client Security Console and it will go through all the update install process.