Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Browse a Windows Server 2008 through an alias with explorer

When migrating a server to a new one, you may want to create an alias with the old server name to the new one.
DNS will resolve it, but browsing through explorer will fail.
In order to solve this, start RegEdit and deploy :
Then create a new DWORD value called : DisableStrictNameChecking and set it to 1.
Restart your server.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Add language pack even if the feature is missing / unavailable in Windows 7 (or Vista)

On computers purchased from manufacturers like Dell, HP..., a Windows 7 OEM version is installed.
In these OEM versions, contrary to Microsoft contracted versions, the button to add a language pack from a MUI is unavailable (Control Panel / Region and Language / Keyboards and Languages).

If you bought your system abroad or Windows doesn't match the user's language, you can still do it successfully on Windows 7 and Vista with this little utility : Vistalizator