Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Map a drive letter to SkyDrive

Office 2010 has a very cool option to save files to the Windows Live SkyDrive. By choosing “Save and Send” from the File menu you can connect to your Windows Live SkyDrive as shown in the screenshot below.




After you click “Save As” you will get a normal Windows Explorer Save As dialog with the address in the address bar such as this one:



Copy this address, open the Windows Explorer, click on Computer and choose “Map network drive”



Now paste in the address you copied from above and choose the drive you would like to map it to



Done! ;)

Monday, April 12, 2010

Very Useful Tool: ADRecycleBin

The new Active Directory recycle bin feature in Windows Server 2008 R2 can be extremely useful. The problem, however, is that you need all your domain controllers to be running R2. The lack of a GUI can also make a restore a little hairy at best.

I recently came across a handy little (FREEWARE) tool from Overall Solutions called ADRecycleBin. The tool can work with the new recycle bin feature in Windows 2008 R2 but if you are running earlier versions of AD the tool will also work.

For some screenshots and to download the tool go here.